Thursday, June 30, 2011

4 1/2 Months Later

Ethan and his cousin at my sister's wedding.

The fabrics for Avella's room.

Ethan and Trevan insisted on sleeping in boxes. They don't look very comfy to me, but they loved it. I think boxes are my boys favorite toys. Ethan already asked me if he could have all of the boxes from our hardwood to make a fort.

Trevan just adores his sister. And yes, I know this picture is old.

We are finishing our basement right now and doing renovations to the main floor. I went to upload new pictures tonight and I realized I couldn't because my desk is partially buried in the garage. I had promised my mom (for like the third time) that I would do a new post. So here you go mom. :)

Avella is now 4 1/2 months old.

She weighs 10 pounds 4 ounces. She has officially tripled her birth weight! It's crazy to picture her one third of her size. She no longer has to have a bottle with the Neosure added to it anymore. She is still on iron, vitamin drops, and Prevacid. It does seem like she has been less spitty lately. Here's to hoping it lasts.

She rolled over today for the first time from her tummy to her back. I was so excited I was clapping and cheering. She looked at me like I was crazy.

Her eyelashes are starting to grow in long and dark.

I think her cheeks are chubbier than ever. Seriously. I promise I will post new pictures!

She is the happiest baby I've ever met. My boys were both mellow calm babies, but she is just so happy all of the time. I think she had such a hard start in life that now she is just so happy to be with her family all of the time. And so are we.

Her pediatrician visit last week went well. Her Dr. was so impressed with how she was interacting with him. She was making eye contact and smiling and cooing. He said that was impressive for a 4 month old, and especially for a preemie 4 month old. Her fine motor skills are great too. She loves to grab her toys, clothes, and blankets - pretty much anything she can get her hands on. And of course she loves to chew on them.

Her eyes are still blue... for now. We'll see. I was sure Trevan's would stay blue. Now they're brown.

Well Mom, I hope this random post is enough to make you want to come visit. ;) I love you. :)