Can you believe how the time is flying?!... Ha ha ha. I thought it might be fun to open with a joke and keep things light. I'm laughing. :)
The last appointment with my Perinatologist in AF was last Tuesday. Overall it went well. She's still growing, she had a tummy full of fluid again, but she would not show us her face! She was facing my spine and had both of her hands right up by her face, meaning we couldn't even get a profile shot. Did I mention this was the only time we have gotten a DVD with an ultrasound. Yep. Money well spent. I will post pictures at some point of what a baby with no fluid around her looks like. It is so very hard to see anything. Oh, the fluid measured "about" 1 cm.
On the ultrasound today the fluid measurement was the same. The good news is she had the hiccups! It doesn't sound like a big deal, but that uses her lungs. We were all very happy to see that.
I just have to share our story of checking into the hospital. I'm learning (still) that you can have everything planned and prepared on your end and things can still go not as planned. At all.
When we saw the Perinatologist last Tuesday we told him which hospital we had chosen and then he had us wait while he called and arranged everything for us. He told us what doctor was on call, and that the doctor was aware of the situation and would be ready for us. He told us where to check in and all that jazz. The following day I received a call from the hospital and was told that instead of checking in at Labor & Delivery to just check in at the registration office and they would tell me my room number and have everything ready to go. Sounds good so far, no?
We show up on Saturday, and the registration offices are closed on Saturdays. Um, ok. We talked to the receptionist and she called a few people to see where to send me. She couldn't find anyone that had any idea we were coming. (Side note: This last weekend was the BUSIEST weekend they have had in along time. Something about a full moon... Not great timing for us trying to check in.) They finally decided to send us up to the third floor because that's where I would be staying... if they check me in, they said. OK...
As I started to get settled into my room they decided to take me down to labor and delivery to make sure I should be checking in. Down we went. We ended up at the front desk and started talking to a doctor and explained the situation to her and the nurses at the desk. Things got a little heated at one point. And not on our end. Just saying. I made sure to keep my cool and be respectful but firm. Ryan, well I think he was trying, but I ended up having to do all of the talking so he wouldn't lose it. He was just looking out for me. :) We think because of the miscommunication and the busy day there was a lot of stress happening in the Women's Center. I think the doctor finally realized I wan't telling her how to do her job, I was just trying to understand what she was wanting to do so I could weigh the pros and cons. She finally apologized for having this conversation in the middle of the entrance and moved us to a room. I have to say I was feeling attacked. You can ask Ryan how it went down. It wasn't pretty. But I was so proud of myself for keeping calm and not letting my emotions control the situation, but not backing down!
When we moved to the triage room things had definitely calmed. Problem is I was feeling a little shaken up. I changed into the hospital gown, let myself cry for 30 seconds in the bathroom, and then I looked in the mirror and told myself to stay strong and take care of my baby girl. True story. And it worked. Then the doctor came in. She was much calmer and actually very kind. I think she was just feeling stressed earlier and without meaning to, took it out on us. She was able to explain why she wanted to do a speculum and give us the pros and cons. She let us have time to make the decision and let it sink in. (I truly have no ill feelings for her. She was really very kind and I think the stress of a busy day and the miscommunication had a lot of people stressed out.) We had originally been under the impression that she wanted to do a vaginal exam. My thought was, No Way! I did not think it was a good idea to do that and possibly put me in to labor. There is a reason my doctors hadn't done it. She was able to explain that they wouldn't even touch the cervix. They would only be looking at it to check for dilation and thinning. They would also check for the presence of amniotic fluid (It was all I could do to not lose it when they questioned whether my water broke. Seriously!) to make sure my water had really broken.
I told them it would probably come back negative on the amniotic fluid because I hadn't leaked since first thing that morning. I was right. Negative. Meaning that every conversation thereafter had phrases like, "Well if your water did break...", "If you are really leaking amniotic fluid..." I do understand where they're coming from. They have their checklist and they need every little thing checked off so they can be certain. It is just soooo frustrating feeling like we were starting at the beginning again. Every doctor I've seen while I've been here has had me retell the entire story of what has been going on with this pregnancy. I expected it somewhat since I chose a hospital that my OB and Perinatologist don't go to, but it's been harder than I thought. The good news was that my cerix wasn't dilated or effaced.
Today I felt leaking, so I had them do the speculum again. Guess what? It was positive! Shocker! Not really, in case you couldn't read the sarcasm in that. I'm just glad they have it checked off of their list so we can move on. All of the doctors, residents, and nurses have been so great. It just feels so nice to not be doubted anymore. :) It takes stress off of me.
Wow, long story. Anyway... I finally feel settled in. It seems that we've gotten all of the initial checks and such finished. And I appreciate the care we've gotten here. I feel very well taken care of. I get to meet with the dietician tomorrow and put in my requests for special food & tell her my likes and dislikes. She even makes smoothies every day for you. See, there are things to look forward to. Oh, and they're tracking me down a mini fridge and getting me some contraption to make my bed more comfy. Best news of all... I was told to order extra bacon, as much as I want! They know how to make this girl happy. ;)
Thank you for all of your prayers, support, and service. I'm grateful to have each one of you as a friend.
PS - Last week we were watching some home videos. In one of them I was walking around. Avella turned to me and asked excitedly, "Mommy, you better?! You can get up?" It broke my heart. I worry that all of our kids will think that being pregnant means that you can't do anything. :(
PPS - Are you thinking you may want to come visit me, but you're not sure you want to make the drive? Well, stay tuned for exciting incentives! Ryan and I have been coming up with a plan to make it worth your while! :)