Wednesday, November 9, 2011


10/23 - Avella sat herself up. She could sit up before this, but only if we sat her up.
11/2 - I noticed Avella had a tooth. Seriously?! Who knows when it really came in.
About this time she started standing herself up by holding on to furniture.
She also gets in the crawling position, pushes her bum up in the air,
puts her feet flat on the floor, and tries to stand up that way. She is determined
to walk like the rest of us.
11/5 - Avella turned nine months old. I know, I can't believe it either.
11/6 - Avella (finally) got blessed. I will post pictures of that separately.

Her doctor appointment is tomorrow. I am so curious to know how much she weighs... She is in 3-6 month clothing right now. It is so funny to see this itty bitty thing crawling, sitting, and standing up. She looks too tiny to be able too. I'm sure once she starts walking it will look even funnier.

When Ethan was walking and talking in complete sentences people would always be amazed and ask me how old he was. He looked too little. He was small for his age, and the average baby his age was still using only a few words together. It's interesting to see what each child excels at. They are all so different!

I walked in the living room to check on her, and she had sat herself up.
As you can see she is pretty pleased with herself.

Ethan at his Halloween program at school. He was singing the
songs at home for weeks beforehand. I think he was more excited to do this
program than he was to do the Christmas one last year.

In case you can't tell... Ethan is Obi Wan Kenobi (my Mom whipped up his awesome outfit when she came to help after Avella was born), Trevan is a skeleton pirate,
and Avella is a ladybug. It was such nice weather this year they got to trick or treat
without wearing all of their winter gear. I think that is why they got so much
candy this year - they were able to go to so many more houses.

Trevan and Avella love playing together. When I tell her it is time to go
pick up Trevan from school she gets excited and looks around for him.
I thought as she got older she would get bugged sometimes that he is constantly
in her face and giving her loves, but she eats it up.

Today they got to dress up as their favorite hero. Trevan knew right away
he wanted to be an 'army guy'. Ethan wasn't going to dress up until he found out
Trevan got to wear uncle Andrew's real army hat, he quickly changed his mind after that.


  1. I love tiny walkers, they make me smile. I'm sure she will be so adorable walking around. She sounds like she is doing really well. That is so wonderful. She's lucky to have two big brothers to show her the ropes.

  2. That's so funny, you describing how she gets on all fours and tries to stand up. Jim and I have been calling that Audrey's "down dog." She thinks she's so funny when she does it! :)

  3. Oh my! So cute! I love the picture with Avella holding up the piece of bread. It looks like she's saying "What on earth? This isn't real." Hahaha!
