Wednesday, April 9, 2014

35 Weeks 4 Days

I know I've put some updates on facebook, but since not everyone is on facebook I might end up repeating some things. Here's the latest...

Happy one month birthday on April 4th! She had gained exactly one pound on her one month birthday. Good girl. She weighs 4 lbs 10 oz now. She also had her eye exam and her eyes are fully developed which means they were able to move her oxygen parameters up. If preemie's oxygen levels are too high when they are first born, before their eyes are fully developed, it can cause blindness.

April 2nd the NICU called me just before midnight to tell me Hazel had reflux and aspirated milk into her lungs. They did an X-Ray and called me back in an hour. Her lungs looked OK. They also did a viral panel to make sure it was her aspirating and not a virus - it came back negative. Because of all of that she had to go back on the CPAP machine at a level 7 (She had been on the High Flow at a 4.5), so it was quite a step back. She was down to a 5 on the CPAP by the next day. She got moved back down to the High Flow machine earlier this week and is currently at a 3.5.  

Her hematocrit is still low, its at 25. They aren't going to give her another blood transfusion. She had one her first week of life. When you get a transfusion it stops your body's natural response to produce more blood if you're low. They are giving her body time to let her body start making more on it's own. It should start going up by next week.

Hopefully we can start doing the non-nutritive feeds next week. She needs to be breathing and eating to be able to get home so I'm anxious for progress. Her nurse thinks we will be able to start next week.

My Mom went home on Saturday because her Mom isn't doing well. I'm glad she can be with her Mom, but I miss my Mommy! It was so hard to say goodbye. There have been a lot of emotions since she's gone home... All of them sad. 

Snuggle time with Grandma and Aunt Shannon.

She always has to have a hand up.

Holding Grandma's hand on the way to the airport.

Avella has to help with everything, and I mean everything. How great is my Mom to weed my garden in time for Spring on top of taking care of my kids, doing home school with them, doing dishes and laundry, etc.

Sometimes when Hazel gets really hungry when it's feeding time I'll give her a sponge dipped in milk. She sucks it dry. Hopefully it's a sign that nursing will go well.

I love her wrinkly forehead.

She's looking more grown up. 

I love this picture of Daddy daughter time.

I made her a pearl bracelet. It goes halfway down her arm... or fits on Ryan's pinkie. Ryan has finally been able to realize his dream of becoming a hand model. Check that off of your bucket list, hon. ;)

Grandma made her a baby doll to keep in her crib. This nasal cannula is the one that's used with the High Flow. The picture above, that shows her bracelet is the one they were using when she was on CPAP. The High Flow one is more comfortable for her.



1 comment:

  1. She's precious. Love how alert she looks! So happy to hear about all the progress!
