Saturday, December 28, 2013

21 Weeks, and a Correction

First I'll start with the correction of information in the last post. When I stated there was a risk of Pulmonary Hypertension, I really meant Pulmonary Hypoplasia.

I'm 21 weeks today! We celebrate every little accomplishment here. :)

I had a appointment with my OB this past Monday. The ultrasound I had at that appointment showed that my fluid level was up to 2.7 cm. While it's not great, I'll take it. It's better than 1.9 cm! It is hard to rely on the ultrasound measurements because they will vary depending on the tech doing it and whether the baby has a full tummy or bladder (she had both when my fluid was at 1.9). My next scheduled ultrasound is in a couple of weeks. We will be praying that the levels are even better at that one. The bleeding and leaking of fluid has slowed considerably, but there is still enough to cause concern.

I'm trying to drink even more water than normal to help the fluid levels go up. I already drink so much it's hard to try to drink more. Remember this post?

It seems like there was a slight misunderstanding (Ryan will be sure to tell you it was on my part) on when I will check into the hospital. It looks like it will be between 23-24 weeks. They will try and let me go to 34 weeks and then I will have a cesarean, or earlier if there are complications. I am grateful we have time to prepare before I check in, unlike last time. We have time to decide which hospital we want to be in, prepare the kids for what's in store, and basically wrap our minds around things a little bit.

Thanks to everyone for all of your prayers and uplifting words. They truly do make a difference!



  1. Oh Ella, I just love you and will come visit you once we're not all contagious with sinus infections! I know you will be strengthened through this, and we will be praying for you and sweet baby hazel (that's my vote, if I get one) and your super awesome family. Love you!

  2. Sarah, I love you too and I'm grateful to have you as a friend! I already feel strengthened through all of the prayers and wonderful friends and family I have. And I do think you should get a vote. ;)
