Monday, March 23, 2015


It's hard not to feel like we're moving backward. I know it won't take as long to wean off of everything as when she was in the NICU, but still. She was put on CPAP last night and then BiPAP. With the BiPAP they use the same mask as CPAP (they have a bigger mask that would cover her nose and mouth, but she's tolerating this one well), the difference is that the BiPAP gives more pressure when she's breathing in. On CPAP her pressure was set at 8. On BiPAP it's at 8 while she's exhaling and up to 16 while inhaling. The expected result is that the extra pressure to help keep her lungs open will keep her from having to work as hard.

When babies get too agitated wearing this mask they sedate them. So far she hasn't minded it. I'm glad, but it worries me that she's not bugged by it. That means that she's still pretty sick.  

They also gave her a feeding tube yesterday morning. I think it's helped her to have food in her belly. It's so much better than only getting her nutrients through an IV. What this means is that, just like when in the NICU, she has to be breathing and eating to be able to come home. She is on day 7 of the illness today, so hopefully she starts getting better (days 5 to 7 are typically the worst). I was told this morning that when they wean her back to the high flow she would be moved out of the PICU.

She blows lots of spit bubbles. 
The nurses always wrap her arms by her sides so she isn't able to reach up and pull everything on her face (see first picture). Ryan and I keep sneaking her arm out so she can hold our finger.  :)


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