Sunday, April 27, 2014

38 Weeks 1 Day, 7 Weeks 5 Days Old

I can't believe how close it's getting to my original due date. And it's great to see how much progress Hazel is making. This has been a big week for her and me!

I've been able to breastfeed her each day and she got a bottle today too. She nursed today for 23 minutes. Way to go, Hazel! The orders are that she can be fed twice per shift. If she nurses for at least ten minutes they count that as a full feed. Sometimes while feeding we have to turn her oxygen up, but we didn't have to today even though her flow was lowered down to 1.

The hardest thing for her is that she gets worn out quickly. She is still very anemic so she gets sleepy and worn out easily. Her body has finally started to make more red blood cells, but it will take months for her levels to be where they should.

You know what is great? When Hazel's nurse told me to get ready for her to come home! She is doing so well and progressing quickly with her feeds. Once she is able to do all of her feeds by bottle or breast then she can come home! Can you believe it, friends? I know it will still be weeks, but it's so good to hear. 

I've been feeling great this week. It's almost weird to feel so normal. I've been driving, doing laundry and dishes, cleaning, and organizing. It feels good to be back!

This is a few days worth of milk. Hazel eats just more than one of the large containers a day. The good news is I'm going to donate my milk this go round. I tried to with Avella, but she was older and they need the milk to be from when the child is younger. 

She's so pretty. :) 

Avella tells me almost daily that she wants to fly. 

I love Daddy Daughter pictures. They make my heart happy.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

37 Weeks 3 Days, 7 Weeks Old

I keep trying to get a picture of her smiling. I caught the tail end of it here.

When she tries to open her eyes she'll stretch her eyebrows up really high to help her.

She did this after she was given a little bit of milk the other day. Apparently it wore her out.

Perfect, tiny, little hands.

We were able to do a non-nutritive feed today! She latched on immediately. Kinda funny since I wasn't prepared for it. She nursed for 15+ minutes. The therapist couldn't believe how well she did. Now we get to do two actual feeds a day. Those are two HUGE days right in a row. She got moved down to a 1.5 on her oxygen flow today too. Really crazy that she did so well nursing, considering. The top picture here is her passed out right after nursing. The second is her after her bath. We were going to try nursing again, but she was pooped!

I got a stomach bug over the weekend and didn't get to see her for four days in a row. The good news is now that I'm feeling better my stomach feels like it's back to normal. I had been having issues with it ever since I had Illeus. So, I guess I'm grateful I got a stomach bug and it all worked out? I am also off of all of my meds. That means I got to drive myself to the hospital today! It's funny to see how Hazel and I make progress together. When I was driving the kids to my friend's house today Avella said, "You're driving, Mom?" I told her yes and she replied, "By yourself?!" 

While my friend Lindsay watched her today Avella had a poopy diaper. When Lindsay asked her if she could change her diaper Avella said, "You can give me chocolate." Ha ha. Never a dull moment with that girl. My friend Wendy came over to stay with the kids the morning I went to the emergency room. When Wendy went to get Avella dressed Avella kept telling her, "No, that doesn't match." Then she picked an outfit out herself that Wendy said did in fact match. :)


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

36 Weeks 4 Days, 6 Weeks 1 Day

Still such a cutie.

I love seeing her eyes open.

Hazel's first bath!

In the hospital they do 'swaddle baths'. She loved it! The wrap she is in is fleece which keeps her warm during the bath. She was happy and relaxed the entire time.

Cindy is one of Hazel's primary care nurses. We love her!
It's funny how having a baby in the NICU makes normal things like a bath seem so difficult. She's so tiny still and having all of the tubes and wires doesn't make it easy. It felt like it was the first time I had bathed a baby. I always want to make sure she's comfortable. When she was first born changing her diapers was a big deal. It was hard to do knowing that every time I moved her it caused her discomfort and pain. I'm glad she's not as sensitive anymore and her nerves are more developed.

 She is fascinated with her mobile. It's pretty amazing that as young as she is she enjoys watching it. Her therapists were worried it would be over stimulating, but she loves it.

Did you watch the eclipse? We got the kids up at 2 am to see it. They came outside, saw it, and went right back inside. Trevan was so quick he isn't in the picture. 

My pumping stuff for one day. I can't wait to be done with all of it. Pumping is so much harder than nursing - plugged ducts, bleeding, more plugged ducts (which make me feel nauseous, kinda weird), worrying about my milk supply, yada yada. 

She is always, always, awake for Dad.

 We went through the coolest car wash as our activity for FHE on our way back from the hospital. 
It felt like a space tunnel. Don't worry, we vacuumed too so it counts as an activity. 
We've had to get creative. :)

So much cute cheek chub!

  • She is still on the High Flow machine. Her flow is at a 2.5.
  • Her therapists are still working with her on increasing her mobility in her arms, feet, and neck. She tips her head to the right instead of holding it straight and prefers to have it turned to the left. I met with them today to learn how I can work with her and what I need to do once she is home. It was very interesting and I'm excited to know what I can be doing.
  • She is getting close to being ready to nurse. I was hoping we could start this week, but I think it will be next week.
  • She has officially hit six weeks and gained two pounds! She weighs 5 lbs 4 oz. Little chunker. ;) I swear it all goes to her cheeks though.
She's doing great overall. It's nice to hear her nurses tell me how wonderful she is doing. We realize that she truly is a miracle baby. It's easy to say she's a miracle, but when you really think back on everything she's gone through you realize just how many miracles we've been blessed with and continue to be blessed with. We know that not everyone is blessed in the same way, but we also know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us. We may not understand why and it may not seem fair, but He loves us each unconditionally. We all have trials of faith and have opportunities to trust in Him. I am grateful for the growth and increased faith that my trials have blessed me with.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

35 Weeks 4 Days

I know I've put some updates on facebook, but since not everyone is on facebook I might end up repeating some things. Here's the latest...

Happy one month birthday on April 4th! She had gained exactly one pound on her one month birthday. Good girl. She weighs 4 lbs 10 oz now. She also had her eye exam and her eyes are fully developed which means they were able to move her oxygen parameters up. If preemie's oxygen levels are too high when they are first born, before their eyes are fully developed, it can cause blindness.

April 2nd the NICU called me just before midnight to tell me Hazel had reflux and aspirated milk into her lungs. They did an X-Ray and called me back in an hour. Her lungs looked OK. They also did a viral panel to make sure it was her aspirating and not a virus - it came back negative. Because of all of that she had to go back on the CPAP machine at a level 7 (She had been on the High Flow at a 4.5), so it was quite a step back. She was down to a 5 on the CPAP by the next day. She got moved back down to the High Flow machine earlier this week and is currently at a 3.5.  

Her hematocrit is still low, its at 25. They aren't going to give her another blood transfusion. She had one her first week of life. When you get a transfusion it stops your body's natural response to produce more blood if you're low. They are giving her body time to let her body start making more on it's own. It should start going up by next week.

Hopefully we can start doing the non-nutritive feeds next week. She needs to be breathing and eating to be able to get home so I'm anxious for progress. Her nurse thinks we will be able to start next week.

My Mom went home on Saturday because her Mom isn't doing well. I'm glad she can be with her Mom, but I miss my Mommy! It was so hard to say goodbye. There have been a lot of emotions since she's gone home... All of them sad. 

Snuggle time with Grandma and Aunt Shannon.

She always has to have a hand up.

Holding Grandma's hand on the way to the airport.

Avella has to help with everything, and I mean everything. How great is my Mom to weed my garden in time for Spring on top of taking care of my kids, doing home school with them, doing dishes and laundry, etc.

Sometimes when Hazel gets really hungry when it's feeding time I'll give her a sponge dipped in milk. She sucks it dry. Hopefully it's a sign that nursing will go well.

I love her wrinkly forehead.

She's looking more grown up. 

I love this picture of Daddy daughter time.

I made her a pearl bracelet. It goes halfway down her arm... or fits on Ryan's pinkie. Ryan has finally been able to realize his dream of becoming a hand model. Check that off of your bucket list, hon. ;)

Grandma made her a baby doll to keep in her crib. This nasal cannula is the one that's used with the High Flow. The picture above, that shows her bracelet is the one they were using when she was on CPAP. The High Flow one is more comfortable for her.
