Tuesday, April 22, 2014

37 Weeks 3 Days, 7 Weeks Old

I keep trying to get a picture of her smiling. I caught the tail end of it here.

When she tries to open her eyes she'll stretch her eyebrows up really high to help her.

She did this after she was given a little bit of milk the other day. Apparently it wore her out.

Perfect, tiny, little hands.

We were able to do a non-nutritive feed today! She latched on immediately. Kinda funny since I wasn't prepared for it. She nursed for 15+ minutes. The therapist couldn't believe how well she did. Now we get to do two actual feeds a day. Those are two HUGE days right in a row. She got moved down to a 1.5 on her oxygen flow today too. Really crazy that she did so well nursing, considering. The top picture here is her passed out right after nursing. The second is her after her bath. We were going to try nursing again, but she was pooped!

I got a stomach bug over the weekend and didn't get to see her for four days in a row. The good news is now that I'm feeling better my stomach feels like it's back to normal. I had been having issues with it ever since I had Illeus. So, I guess I'm grateful I got a stomach bug and it all worked out? I am also off of all of my meds. That means I got to drive myself to the hospital today! It's funny to see how Hazel and I make progress together. When I was driving the kids to my friend's house today Avella said, "You're driving, Mom?" I told her yes and she replied, "By yourself?!" 

While my friend Lindsay watched her today Avella had a poopy diaper. When Lindsay asked her if she could change her diaper Avella said, "You can give me chocolate." Ha ha. Never a dull moment with that girl. My friend Wendy came over to stay with the kids the morning I went to the emergency room. When Wendy went to get Avella dressed Avella kept telling her, "No, that doesn't match." Then she picked an outfit out herself that Wendy said did in fact match. :)


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you were able to nurse her successfully. She is so cute, I can't wait to meet her!
