Monday, March 24, 2014

33 Weeks 2 Days

So much to update... I'm home from the hospital (as of last Tuesday night). My stomach is doing much better. I'm able to eat normally for the most part. I had to take an anti nausea pill just this morning, but otherwise I've been feeling ok.

Here are the updates for Hazel:

  • I got to hold her for the first time on Thursday, the 20th! We were both so happy. At that point I hadn't seen her for eight days. It was good for both of us. :)
  • Her Nitric Oxide is down to 1%. It might take another week or so to completely wean her off of it.
  • She got two days in a row of "lab holidays". That means she didn't get poked or have blood drawn. She deserved a break.
  • She is still slowly being weaned off of her pain meds.
  • She is awake more and looks adorable with her eyes open.

I love seeing her wrapped up like a little burrito.

    I've been feeling overwhelmed and, let's face it, tired. I've been home for almost a week and I'm still adjusting to being home and what I'm able to do. I have days that I feel better and I try to do more. It's hard to know when I should rest and when it's ok to do more. I'm more emotional lately - gotta love hormones. I'm praying things mellow out and I feel more normal very soon.


  1. Oh it does my heart good to see you holding your baby girl! I hope you are feeling better soon and that Hazel continues to progress!! Still praying for you guys!

    1. Thanks, Colleen. It does my heart good to hold her! :)

  2. You look soo happy I am so thrilled for you and baby Hazel! Sending you and your precious adorable baby good healing vibes!

    1. Thank you, Jen. I am feeling happier and glad to see her doing so well.
