Tuesday, March 4, 2014

30 Weeks 3 Days - Welcome, Hazel!

Welcome, baby Hazel! We are so excited to have you join our family. We're already smitten.

Hazel was born at 9 am today, March 4th. She weighed 3 lbs 3 oz, was 15.9" long, and had a head circumference of 28 cm. I think having gestational diabetes helped her gain some extra weight. The doctors and nurses were impressed with her weight. Go, Hazel! She is a strong girl.

When she was born her head and leg were slightly misshapen. Her leg looks fine now, and her head is looking better. It should be good in a couple of days. She does have a hole in one of her lungs that is not allowing the lung by her heart to function properly. They were going to do a chest tube (that releases the air outside of the lungs, which takes the pressure off of the lung and allows her lung to open), but decided to wait and instead they will use a needle to release that air. Her oxygen is at 34%. Do you realize how great that is?! We are so grateful for this good news. Prayers are a powerful thing.

I got to see her already. I did not expect that. I didn't see Avella for a day and a half after I had her because I couldn't get into a wheelchair. To see Hazel they wheeled my entire bed into her room in the NICU. Another blessing I'm grateful for. She has the cutest nose. And her tiny hands are so precious. When I saw her she started moving her arms and hands as I started talking to her. I like to think she knew I was there. I'm so in love with this girl already.                                                          

 Look at those cute wrinkles on her neck.

You can see here that her head shape is a little different. Remember in previous posts how I said she was wedged in a spot that was uncomfortable for me? I was also worried she  was in pain. I hope she wasn't. And look at that hair. We all know it won't last long and that she will be a baldie for years like my other babies. I think I've finally come to terms with it. ;)

This is the view I had of her when I was wheeled in on my bed. I loved seeing her move her arms 
and adorable little fingers. I can't wait to be able to touch her!

She does seem comfortable, thank goodness. She is on some pain meds because when they would move her head she would cry out in pain. :( I'm glad she's resting.



  1. Look what you did!! You did it! You made it past 30 weeks and brought this beautiful baby girl safely into the world. You are amazing. Blessings to your family and especially little Hazel.

  2. You are amazing! I'm so proud of you and Hazel!

  3. She is a beauty! So happy for you. I'm sure she did know you were there. Glad they wheeled you down to see her, that is awesome! Sweet,sweet baby girl :)

  4. Angela, you are an inspiration! I am glad you had your moment to let out all of the frustrations. Maybe it was good that the nurses were able to see that, and I think the nurse that let you eat was an angel! Hazel is beautiful! I am so glad that she is finally here and that you will be able to get up and move around. We will keep your family in our prayers. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. It has been very inspiring.
