Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Thirteen days down, 15 more to go!

Well, I had my ultrasound today. Here are the details:

  • The blood flow in the cord looks about the same. Last week they were concerned about it.
  • My fluid measured 4.5. Last week it measured 6.8. That is measuring low. They don't like it to be under 6.
  • They didn't measure baby. You have to wait 10 - 14 days between measurements for it to be accurate.

My next ultrasound is scheduled for Monday. It will have been 12 days since the last ultrasound that she was measured at. If my fluid is still low and she hasn't shown growth chances are they will induce me. My doctor wanted to induce me now, but the specialist said we should wait until we see the ultrasound Monday. They talked and both agree the best thing to do is wait until Monday. They will look at everything and decide what will be the best choice. We are all hoping that we she still makes it to 34 weeks. But if she comes earlier we will just be glad we made it this long.


  1. Oh Angela! Hang in there! You and she will be just fine. Take care of yourself! I love the little crafts you've been working on!

  2. We are praying for you and baby!

  3. There's obviously no correlation between how much you drink and your amniotic fluid level. :) Praying that baby girl will be strong and healthy no matter what!

  4. Keep thinking good thoughts!! Par-tay tomorrow!!

  5. You were so determined for my wish to not come true that she be born April 1st. For rude. ;] Miss you Ella!

  6. Hugs!! You are in our thoughts and prayers. You looked so amazing yesterday. I hope I can make it tomorrow for your party!! Lindsay

  7. If they want to induce you Monday, try to get them to wait a couple of days. How fun would that be?! Three generations on one day.

  8. I am so sorry I can't make it today, you are in my thoughts and prayers. It's always refreshing to read a patient's perspective on long hospital stays. Hang in there. I am thinking of you.
