Monday, January 31, 2011

Eleven days down, 17 more to go!

Sunday was amazing.

It started out rough. The doctor said something to me (for the second day in a row) that made me a little upset. Thank goodness Elisa was there to help talk me through it and come up with a plan to communicate better next time. I was feeling better, but still shaken up.

I had the thought during the week to ask to have the sacrament brought to me at the hospital. I ended up talking myself out of it because I didn't want to be too 'needy'. By the time Sunday rolled around I wash wishing I had asked. I really needed it. I was surprised when my nurse asked if I would like the sacrament. How did she know I was LDS? Was it my Quad sitting on my nightstand? Had I put it on the hospital registration form? Either way I was so happy she asked.

A few minutes later a sweet couple came into my room. The wife shared a message which was exactly what I needed to hear. It was from this months Ensign. The article is Learning to Hear and Understand the Spirit by David M. McConkie. This is the part she read - "Men ought - above all things in this world - to seek for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing as important as having the companionship of the Holy Ghost. There is no price too high, no labor too onerous, no struggle too severe, no sacrifice too great, if out of it all we receive and enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost."

Then the Brother knelt and said the sacrament prayer. It was honestly as if I felt Heaven open and flood into my room. The words were so clear in my mind. I was reassured that I can always have the gift of the Holy Ghost, that Heavenly Father sent this baby girl to me, and that He will guide me through all of this. Only I can receive revelation for the choices I need to make. And I can be at peace knowing that He will guide me, through the Holy Ghost.

I'm grateful to this couple who serves in this calling every week. What neat experiences they must have. I wonder if they know how meaningful their calling is to those they are serving...


  1. One of the benefits of living in Utah!

  2. That is so great! What a special experience for you to have- at a much needed time!
